They don't define you.

Call or text 877-863-6338 to talk.


Domestic violence is about control.

While physical violence may be the first thing that comes to mind when someone pictures domestic violence, abusers exert their control in many other ways.

Types of Abuse
Background is a close crop of two people hugging with a factual statement that reads, '1 in 3 teens experience relationship abuse or threats every year'Background is a mother holding a young child's hand, walking down a road, with a factual statement that reads, 'Domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness among families with children in Illinois'Background is a close crop of two people holding hands with a factual statement that reads, 'Only about half of domestic violence incidents are reported'

Everyone deserves a healthy relationship.

The Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline is confidential, available 24 hours a day, and can help you no matter what language you speak.

Call or text the hotline now at 877-863-6338.

Click to Call Now
Close up cropped photo of two people holding hands

Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence doesn’t discriminate based on age, race, sexual orientation, income, education, ability, or gender — anyone can suffer from abuse.

Defining DV & IPV
Close cropped image of a mother putting her daughters hair into a ponytail

Types of harm that occur are not always physical; they can also be emotional, psychological, verbal, financial, economic, social, reproductive, institutional, and health-based.

Types of Abuse
Image of a young woman wearing a jeans jacket walking to the left, carrying a backpack

A safety plan can help you stay safer even when you think you won’t leave and even if your abuser doesn’t live with you. If you are concerned about your safety, develop a safety plan.

Safety Planning
Group of 4 similar aged people watching a sunrise, with arms around each other

While the cost to society might pale in comparison to individual traumatic experiences, it’s important to note that the effects of domestic violence extend far beyond the home.

Social Impacts
Factual statement that reads, 'Nearly 20 people are abused by an intimate partner every minute'

shouldn’t hurt.

If you’re unsure if your partner is being abusive, take this short quiz to help think about past experiences.

Take the Quiz

Call 877-863-6338 to talk, anytime.

The Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline is confidential, available 24 hours a day, and can help you no matter what language you speak.

Use Our Chat Hotline

Hand drawn talk bubble with the text, 'Words Can Hurt'




Thousands of domestic violence cases are reported every year in Illinois. Thousands also aren’t.

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Many people experencing domestic violence don’t even realize the they are in a controlling relationship.

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Find a local domestic violence victim service agency in your area by browsing our interactive map.

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Person typing on a computer keyboard.

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Two people holding hands, sitting together.

Let lawmakers know that protecting domestic violence survivors through strong and safe policy is important.

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Tote bag featuring campaign line art that reads 'Words Can Hurt'

Survivors aren’t in this alone – you can help. Learn how you can support efforts in ending domestic violence.

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Call or text 877-863-6338 to talk. We can help.